
    List of Judges

    Administrative Judge
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    sci_cji Hon’ble Justice Shri. Sanjiv KhannaThe Hon'ble Chief Justice of IndiaSupreme Court of India, New Delhi
    No Image Hon’ble The Chief Justice Alok AradheThe Chief Justice of High Court of BombayHigh Court of Bombay
    PKC The Hon’ble Justice Shri. Prithviraj Keshavrao Chavan, Administrative JudgeJustice, High Court of BombayHigh Court of Bombay
    FPP The Hon’ble Justice Shri. Firdosh Phiroze Pooniwalla, Administrative JudgeJustice, High Court of BombayHigh Court of Bombay
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    No Image Smt. V. C. Raut11th Jt. CJJD, Solapur
    No Image Shri.M.S.SharmaPrincipal District JudgeDistrict and Sessions Court, Solapur
    No Image Shri.R.J. KatariyaDistrict Judge-1 &Addl. Sessions Judge, SolapurDistrict and Sessions Court Building ,Solapur
    YA Rane Shri.Y.A.RaneDistrict and Additional Sessions Judge-2, SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image Shri.J.J.MohiteDistrict Judge and Additional Sessions Judge-3, SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image Shri.S.V. KendreAd-hoc District Judge-1 & Addl. , Sessions Judge, SolapurDistrict and Sessions Court Building ,Solapur
    SS Jahagirdar Shri.S.S.JahagirdarCivil Judge Senior Division, SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    VI Bhandari Shri.V.I.BhandariChief Judicial Magistrate, SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    RU Nagargoje Shri.R.U. NagargojeJt Civil Judge Senior Division, SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    SN Ratkanthwar Smt.S.N. Ratkanthwar-Jadwar2nd Jt Civil Judge Senior Division, SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image Shri.S.D. Gawade3rdJt. Civil Judge S.D. & A.C.J.M., SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image Shri.P.P. Pethkar4th Jt. Civil Judge S.D. & A.C.J.M., SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    SAR Sayed Smt.S.A.R.Sayed5th Jt Civil Judge Senior Judge, SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    MK Kothule Smt.M.K. Kothule6th Jt Civil Judge Senior Division,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    DD Kolapkar Smt.D.D.KolapkarCivil Judge Junior Division (Muncipal Court) SolapurMuncipal Court, Soalpur
    MP Mardhekar Smt.M.P.Mardhekar9th t CJJD and JMFC,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    VP Kumbhar Shri.V.P.Kumbhar12th Jt CJJD and JMFC,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    VV Rajput Smt.V.A.Kulkarni10th Jt CJJD and JMFC,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image Shri.D.G. Kankhare2nd Jt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image SmtA.S. Birajdar3rd Jt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image Shri.V.M. Redkar4thJt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    SP Patil Shri.S.P.Patil5th Jt CJJD and JMFC,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    PV Chavan Smt.P.V.Chavan8th Jt CJJD and JMFC,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    SR Satbhai Shri.S.R.Satbhai6th Jt CJJD and JMFC,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    RK Jangam Smt.R.K.Jangam7th Jt CJJD and JMFC,SolapurDistrict Court, Solapur
    No Image Smt.R.P.BagadeExtra Jt Civil Judge J.D. and J.M.F.C. SolapurSolapur
    No Image Smt.M.A.ShelarExtra Jt Civil Judge J.D. and J.M.F.C., SolapurSolapur
    No Image Smt.V.C. RautExtra Civil Judge J.D. and J.M.F.C., SolapurSolapur
    District Legal Aid Services Solapur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    UP Devarshi Shri.U.P.DevarshiSecretaroy, District Legal Services Authority, SolapurDistrict and Sessions Court, Solapur
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    No Image SmtK.J. Khomane३रे सह दिवाणी न्यायाधीश क.स्तर तथा न्यायदंडाधिकारी, सोलापूर.जिल्हा न्यायालय, पंढरपूर
    No Image Smt.S.S. Raul2ndJt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., PandharpurDistrict Court, Pandharpur, Solapur
    No Image Shri.S.S. ChopdaJt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., PandharpurDistrict Court, Pandharpur, Solapur
    No Image Shri.S.B. DesaiAd-hoc District Judge-1 & Addl. Sessions Judge, PandharpurDistrict Court,Pandharpur, Solapur
    No Image Shri.D.N. SurwaseDistrict Judge-1 &Addl. Sessions Judge, PancmarpurDistrict Court,Pandharpur, Solapur
    SS Pakhale Smt.S.S.PakhaleCivil Judge Senior Division, Pandharpur,SolapurDistrict Court, Pandharpur, Solapur
    AA Khandale Shri.A.A.KhandaleJt Civil Judge Senior Division, Pandharpur, SolapurDistrict Court,Pandharpur, Solapur
    NS Budruk Shri.N.S.Budruk2nd Jt CJSD,Pandharpur,SolapurDistrict Court, Pandharpur,Solapur
    PN Pathade Smt.P. R. Patil3rd Jt CJJD and JMFC,Pandharpur,SolapurDistrict Court, Pandharpur, Solapur
    AS Sonwalkar Shri.A.S.Sonwalkar2nd Jt CJJD and JMFC,Pandhapur,SolapurDistrict Court, Pandharpur, Solapur
    PP Bagul Shri.P.P.Bagul2nd Jt CJJD and JMFC,PandharpurDistrict Court,Pandharpur
    SA Salunkhe Smt.S.A.Salunkhe4th Jt CJJD and JMFC,Pandharpur,SolapurDistrict Court, Pandharpur, Dist-Solapur
    PB Ghorpade Smt.P.B.Ghorpade6th Jt CJJD and JMFC,PandharpurDistrict Court Pandharpur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    No Image Shri.R.V.TamhnekarDistrict and Additional Sessions Judge-1, MalshirasDistrict Court, Malshiras
    No Image Shri.L.D. HuliAd-hoc District Judge-1 & Addl, Sessions Judge, MalshirasDistrict Court, Malshiras,Dist-Solapur
    UV Joshi Shri.U.V.JoshiCivil Judge Senior Division, MalshirasCivil Court Senior Division, Malshiras,Dist-Solapur
    MR Dhanorkar Smt.M.R.DhanorkarJt Civil Judge Senior Division, Malshiras,Dist-SolapurCivil Court Senior Division Malshiras,Dist-Solapur
    SU Nyaharkar Shri.S.U.NyaharkarJt CJJD and JMFC,MalshirasCivil and Criminal Court, Malshiras,Dist-Solapur
    No Image Shri.U.B. Pethe2ndJt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., MalshirasCivil and Criminal Court, Malshiras,Dist-Solapur
    AV Deshpande Shri.A.V.Deshpande3rd Jt CJJD and JMFC,MalshirasCivil and Criminal Court, Malshiras
    MN Patil Shri.M.N.Patil4th Jt CJJD and JMFC,MalshirasCivil and Criminal Court, Malshiras
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    No Image Smt.P.V. Raut2nd Jt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., BarshiCivil and Criminal Court, Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    No Image Shri.V.K. MandeDistrict Judge-1 &Addl. Sessions Judge,BarshiDistrict Court,Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    LS Chavan Shri.L.S. ChavanDistrict Judge-2,BarshiDistrict Court,Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    AP Khanorkar Shri.A.P.KhanorkarCivil Judge Senior Division, BarshiCivil Court Senior Division, Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    RM Kante Smt.R.M.KanteJt Civil Judge Senior Division, BarshiCivil Court Senior Division, Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    SB Vijaykar Shri.S.B.VijaykarJt CJJD and JMFC,BarshiCivil and Criminal Court, Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    No Image Shri.R.M.KulkarniExtra Additional District and Sessions Judge,BarshiDistrict Court,Barshi
    GS Patil Smt.G.S.Patil3rd Jt CJJD and JMFC,BarshiCivil and Criminal Court, Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    HUU Patil Smt.H.U.U.Patil4th Jt CJJD and JMFC,BarshiCivil and Criminal Court, Barshi,Dist-Solapur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    No Image SmtN.A.L. ShaikhJt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., AkkalkotCivil and Criminal Court, Akkalkot,Dist-Solapur
    No Image Shri.M.M. KalyankarCivil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., AkkalkotCivil and Criminal Court, Akkalkot,Dist-Solapur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    No Image Smt.S.P. KulkarniJt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., KarmalaCivil and Criminal Court,Karmala,Dist-Solapur
    MP Ekhe Smt.M.P.EkheCivil Judge Senior Division, KarmalaCivil Court Senior Division,Karmala,Dist-Solapur
    BA Bhosale Smt.B.A.Bhosale2nd Jt CJJD and JMFC,KarmalaCivil and Criminal Court,Karmala,Dist-Solapur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    AO Jain Shri.A.O.JainCivil Judge Senior Division,MadhaCivil Court Senior Division,Madha,Dist-Solapur
    YS Akhare Shri.Y.S.AakhareJt CJJD and JMFC,MadhaCivil and Criminal Court,Madha,Dist-Solapur
    GV Gandhe Shri.G.V.Gandhe2nd Jt CJJD and JMFC,MadhaCivil and Criminal Court,Madha,Dist-Solapur
    VC Kshirsagar Smt.V.C.Kshirsagar3rd Jt CJJD and JMFC,MadhaCivil and Criminal Court, Madha,Dist-Solapur
    SG Laturiya Shri.S.G.Laturiya4th Jt CJJD and JMFC,MadhaCivil and Criminal Court,Madha,Dist-Solapur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    No Image Smt.V.K. PatilJt. Civil Judge J.D. & J.M.F.C., MangalwedhaCivil and Criminal Court, Mangalwedha,Dist-Solapur
    SN Gangwal Shah Smt.S.N.Gangwal-ShahCJJD and JMFC,MangalwedhaCivil and Criminal Court, Mangalwedha,Dist-Solapur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    SW Thombre Shri. S.W.ThombreCJJD and JMFC,MoholCivil and Criminal Court,Mohol,Dist-Solapur
    PG Mahalankar Shri. P.G.MahalankarJt CJJD and JMFC,MoholCivil and Criminal Court,Mohol,Dist-Solapur
    PS Govekar Smt.P.S.Govekar2nd Jt CJJD and JMFC,MoholCivil and Criminal Court, Mohol,Dist-Solapur
    Profile Picture Name Designation Location
    SM Ghuge Shri.S.M.GhugeCJJD and JMFC,SangolaCivil and Criminal Court,Sangola,Dist-Solapur
    BM Potdar Smt.B.M.PotdarJt CJJD and JMFC,SangolaCivil and Criminal Court,Sangola,Dist-Solapur
    KB Sonawane Smt.K.B.Sonawane2nd Jt CJJD and JMFC,SangolaCivil and Criminal Court, Sangola
    SS Salunkhe Shri.S.S.Salunkhe3rd Jt CJJD and JMFC,SangolaCivil Court Junior Division Sangola